Notes |
- Things to do:
1. When did Christopher marry Elizabeth?
2. 1810, 1830 census
Timeline for Christopher Sly:
1779 Sep 7, Christopher born in Vermont ( According to the family bible of Rhoda Sly Pearson)
1803 Holland Purchase, New York Christopher and Benjamin Sly, T9 R2
1805 speculate that Christopher married Lodema Mack in Ontario County, NY
1807 Oct 22, son, William Wesley,
1809 Sep 1, son, Daniel
1811 Aug 18, daughter, Lucinda,
1815 Mar 21, daughter, Malinda
1815 bought 11 acres + 16 square rods in Gorham, Ontario, NY for $111
1816 Christopher on Gorham, Ontario County, NY tax list Lot 10, 61 acres
1817 May 7, daughter, Rhoda
1819 Jul 11, son, Sylvester,
1819 Christopher on Gorham, Ontario County, NY tax list lot 10 61 acres
1820 Census, Christopher Sly, Gorham, Ontario, NY
1821 Jul 11, son Benjamin,
1821 bought 21 acres from Joshua Sly in Phelps for $600
1821 Christopher on Gorham, Ontario County, NY tax list lot 10 61 acres
1822 Christopher on Hopewell, Ontario County, NY tax list lot 10 61 acres
1823 Christopher on Hopewell, Ontario County, NY tax list lot 10 61 acres
1823 Aug 13, wife Lodema, died in Hopewell
1824 Christopher on Hopewell, Ontario County, NY tax list lot 10 61 acres
1824 Christopher sold land in Gorham with wife Elizabeth; 11 acres for $300
1825 Christopher sold land in Gorham with wife Elizabeth; 21 acres for $400
1830 Christopher on Hopewell, Ontario County, NY tax list
1831 Dec 1, Christopher Land records, Detroit, MI Michigan-Toledo Strip T 2 N, R 8 E sec 28 and 33
1833 Census Michigan Territory, Christopher in Tnsp Petition.
1835 23 Nov Christopher land record, Detroit MI, Michigan-Toledo Strip T 2 N, R 8 E sec 32
1840 Census, Commerce, Oakland, Michigan
1845 Christopher died in Commerce, Oakland, Michigan at age 66, buried in Richardson Cem.
Christopher Sly, Ontario County, New York Tax list:
1816 Gorham lot 10, 16 acres
1819 " " "
1821 " " "
1822 Hopewell " " (1822 Hopewell broke off from Gorham)
1823 " " "
1824 " " "
1830 " " "
Land records, Ontario New York- Christopher Sly
1815 bought 11 acres + 16 sq rods in Gorham for $111
1821 bought 21 acres from Joshua Sly in Phelps for $600
1824 sold 11 acres + 16 sq rods in Gorham for $300 with wife Elizabeth
1825 sold 21 acres in Phelps for $400 with wife Elizabeth
1823 Sep 9 from the "Ontario Repos" -" Sly Lodama, 34, died Hopewell, Mrs. Christopher Sly"
Christopher Sly grave found in row 14, Richardson Cemetary, Commerce Twp, Oakland. Michigan. Also Elizabeth Sly, wife of Christopher, born 3 Aug 1780, died 7 Feb 1879.
1820 United States Federal Census
Name: Christopher Sly
Township: Gorham
County: Ontario
State: New York
1 2 _ _1_ / 3_ _1/ _3
(There is a William Mack in, 1820 US census NY, Ontario, Bristol 4 ___ 1/ 1__ 1 _/ _ 1 and in
1830 NY, Ontario, Bristol 1 1 2 2 _ _ _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ / 1 _ _ 1 _ _ 1 )
Michigan Census, 1827-70
State: MI
County: Michigan Territory
Township: Petitioner
Year: 1833
Database: MI Early Census Index
1840 United States Federal Census
Name: Christopher Sly
Commerce, Oakland, Michigan
_ _ __1_ _ _ _1_ _ _ _ /_ _2_ _ _ 1
Christopher Sly
Birth: 1779
Death: Sep. 13, 1845
Burial: Walled Lake Cemetery
Walled Lake Oakland County Michigan, USA Plot: Section 1, Row 14