Well, it happened again. There’s just something about fall colors in the high country that attracts my photography eye almost as much as sunsets. So… on September 23rd, I reserved a room in Frisco, and drove up at about 3pm.
It was cold, cloudy, and pretty much horrible light, so I went four-wheelin’ instead for what remained of the light on Saturday.
On Sunday, I got up early (should have woke up an hour before sunrise, but I wanted to sleep in a little), and drove over to Twin Lakes, CO, which is one of my favorite groves of aspens, I didn’t get as far up the road as usual, due to the amount of snow on the ground, but I still think I got some pretty good pictures.
Needless to say, I’ll be going back up again this coming weekend, and then Gregg Lowrimore and I will be going back down to the Telluride area again the following weekend.
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